Founded in 1976, the Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers (Abrasce) acts to strengthen and develop the sector and defend the interests of shopping malls, and has become a benchmark in the Brazilian retail sector.
With roughly 400 members, the Association offers a wide range of benefits, including: legal advice, events, seminars, conventions, training courses, and market research.
Headquartered in São Paulo, with offices in Brasilia as well, Abrasce is headed by business manager Glauco Humai and is supported by a renowned and experienced Board of Directors composed by many of the sector’s foremost businesspeople.
Diretora de Planejamento Estratégico e Operações
Administrative and Financial | Claudia Ludmila Gomez |
Comunicação e Eventos | Alexandre Braga |
Legal | Gisele Pimentel |
Relationships and Insights | Mônica Vianna |
Institutional Affairs | Lorrayne Rosa |
Abrasce University | Monica Vianna |
Comercial e Novos Negócios | Emilene Camargo de Azevedo |
President | Glauco Humai |
Presidente do Conselho Deliberativo da Abrasce - ARGO | Hugo Matheson Drummond |
Iguatemi Group | Carlos Jereissati |
Tenco Shopping Centers | Eduardo Gribel Homem de Castro |
Allos | Ewerton Espinola Visco |
Ancar Ivanhoe | Marcos Baptista Carvalho |
Multiplan | Vander Aloísio Giordano |
Saga Malls | Fernando Maia |
Acre | Wander Porto - Via Verde Shopping |
Alagoas | Carlos Jose De Carvalho Rodas - Maceió Shopping |
Amazonas | Josana Pessoa De Andrade Mundstock - Manaus Plaza |
Bahia | Edson Piaggio De Oliveira - Boulevard Feira de Santana |
Ceará | Wellington Bezerra De Oliveira - Iguatemi Fortaleza |
Distrito Federal | Gilberto Mendes De Azevedo - Brasília Shopping |
Espírito Santo | Luiz Raphael Meriguetti Brotto - Shopping Vitória |
Goiás | Fredson Dourado Barbosa - Passeio das Águas |
Maranhão | Micael Barros Silva - Pátio Norte Shopping |
Mato Grosso | César Moraes - Pantanal Shopping |
Mato Grosso do Sul | João Guilherme Valensuela Braga - Shopping Bosque dos Ipês |
Minas Gerais | Fábio Maia de Freitas - Minas Shopping |
Pará | Antônio Bonna Neto - Pátio Belém |
Paraíba | Cláudia Gomes - Liv Mall Shopping |
Paraná | Daniel Ferraz Bueno - Jockey Plaza Shopping |
Pernambuco | José Luiz Soares Muniz De Araújo - Shopping Boa Vista |
Piauí | Fernando De Oliveira - Teresina Shopping |
Rio de Janeiro | Rodrigo Da Silva Lucca - Norte Shopping |
Rio Grande do Norte | Afranio Marinelli Silva - Midway Mall |
Rio Grande do Sul | Eduardo Oltramari - Shopping Total |
Rondônia | Cassio Mendonca Ribeiro - Porto Velho Shopping |
Santa Catarina | Elizangela Regina Cardoso Fiamoncini Cordeiro - Balneário Shopping |
Sergipe | Indefinido |
São Paulo - interior | Mariana Mendes Pinheiro da Silva - Shopping Parque das Bandeiras |
São Paulo - litoral | Martinho Tadeu Polillo - Litoral Plaza Shopping |
Tocantins | Diego Trindade Góes - Capim Dourado Shopping |
Sustainability is a strategic pillar for Abrasce and for the Shopping Mall sector overall, not only because of the social and environmental issues inherent in mall operations, but also because of the creation of value for business and possible financial returns.
The segment accounts for 3% of Brazil’s GDP and generates more than 3 million jobs throughout its value chain; more than 490 million visitors pass through malls every month. All these figures make us even more responsible for maintaining the health and well-being of the planet and the population.
Modern consumers prefer conscientious brands and demand changes in brand positioning, which is why companies have been developing business models that encompass sustainable projects and reduction of costs, aimed at a holistic and sustainable way of managing the entire business chain.
Abrasce’s Committees act to further the work and discussions on the topics of greatest interest to the segment. Their efforts result in products and publications that contribute toward the development of the Shopping Mall sector in Brazil.
Led by Abrasce’s Market Intelligence area, the purpose of this committee is to discuss the sector’s performance. The primary goal is to combine the professionals’ practical knowledge with the results obtained by Abrasce’s Sector Monitoring, aligning expectations for communication and dissemination, as well as providing information for the market and the media. For more information:
Abrasce’s People Management Committee, which convenes at two meetings annually, seeks to expand discussions among Human Resources managers in the sector, sharing the best practices of their organizations and indicating key challenges in the area, and how these challenges can be overcome.
With the strong expansion of shopping malls in Brazil, the sector has become a constant target for government intervention, through laws, decrees, and other legislative measures. The specialized Legal Committee – formed by top managers of Legal Departments at shopping malls in Brazil – aims to ensure free initiative and private trade in a broad-based and unconditional way. For more information:
This Committee seeks the best strategies and solutions for an area that is in constant need to keep up-to-date, undergo training, and exchange information. The Security Committee consists of representatives of some of the foremost business groups in Brazil. To better serve the entire country, Abrasce has Regional Security Committees in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pernambuco, Amazonas and Federal District.
Tem como objetivo compartilhar informações que envolvam as áreas de comunicação e marketing, estimulando trocas de conhecimento, boas práticas e informações relevantes sobre nosso setor.
Conta com os principais heads corporativos de operações dos grupos empreendedores associados à Abrasce. Com o objetivo de compartilhar as melhores práticas do mercado, o Comitê foi fundamental para a produção dos protocolos sanitários da Associação e está em frequente discussão sobre todos os temas relevantes a operação dos shopping centers.
Por ser um segmento de relevância no Brasil, a Abrasce mantêm o Comitê de Outlets desde 2016 para troca de informações e debate de temas de interesse comum, como regulamentação, políticas, tendências e parcerias.
Criado para dar suporte à plataforma B2B, Empório Clube, o Comitê é formado por diretores e gestores de compras de grupos empreendedores para fomentar a troca de informações e debater temas de interesse comum.
São Paulo Headquarters
Phone: +55 (11) 3506-8300
Brasilia Headquarters
Phone: +55 (61) 3039-9401
Shoppings de grupos
Mônica Vianna
(11) 99746-9211
Shoppings individuais
Luiza Rezende
(61) 3039-7310
Suppliers, Service Providers and Retailers
(11) 3506-8300
Media ads: Revista Shopping Centers, Abrasce Site, Events, Merchandising, Sponsorships, among others
(11) 3506-8326
Loures Comunicação
Rebecca Belmonte - Chief Communication Officer
(11) 3165-9591
Amanda Marchini - Manager
(11) 3165-9658
(11) 97080-6089
Luciana Ferreira - Press
(11) 99610-6498
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